Adrian Barrett F.N.Z.I.P.P. A.I.P.P.
Fine art photographer and artist.
Born in Nottingham, England.
Immigrated to New Zealand at the age of 17.
Adrian is an artist who at this time is being discovered in a painters world, however he is already an
established household name in world of photographic artistry.
His painting is born out of a lifetime career in professional photography, which is a considerably faster
means of expressing one self, Adrian now feels that the time taken to convey the artists impression,
is no longer an issue but a wonderful time consuming process of research, building, and experimentation.
His painting eye is very much like his photographic eye, and carries with it the attention to realistic detail.
His talents in the arts are wide, particularly in fine art photography and now painting in oils.
He considers himself extremely fortunate to have been able to stay with his chosen vocation in the arts
for over fifty years. Using his wealth of experience in light, colour, form and dimension is seen in the
natural transition he now brings to the canvas.
Adrian has achieved the highest distinction possible from the New Zealand Institute of Professional
Photography, plus many other awards both in New Zealand and overseas, he has served on the
Honours Council for 5 years, which runs the institutes awards and judging programme.
Photographic & Design Achievements
Awarded an Associateship to the NZ Institute of
Professional Photography (N.Z.I.P.P)
Awarded Master Photographer N.Z.I.P.P.
Awarded Fellow of the N.Z.I.P.P.
Awarded Gold Bar to Fellowship
Highly Commended Pride in Print Awards
Awarded a further Gold Bar to Fellowship
Gold Medal Category Winner Pride in Print Awards
Portrait Category Winner N.Z.I.P.P.
Winner of Apix Assignment Award N.Z.I.P.P.
Winner of N.Z.I.P.P. Photographer of the Year
Awarded Associate to the Australian Institute of
Professional Photography (A.I.P.P.)
Awarded a further Gold Bar to Fellowship
Awarded a further Gold Bar to Fellowship
Awarded a further Gold Bar to Fellowship
Awarded life membership to the N.Z.I.P.P.
Received 4 nominations. International Black/White Spider Awards
Paintings Selected for the 2013 Impressions Art Award